Preparing Yourself to Speak on a Podcast

Did you know that someone is 14% more likely to buy your book if they’ve heard you on a podcast? Crazy, right, but also very true. People listen to podcasts because they are interested in the topic and trust the host, so if the host trusts you enough to invite you onto their podcast and promote your book, then it must be good!

This is why podcasts are a really great way to market yourself as an author and build your credibility in your niche. Plus, it’s an amazing way to see what is really resonating with people out there.

You might be so excited that you’ve just gotten booked onto a podcast. Doing a little preparation can turn this podcast into a really great opportunity for you to share your journey as an author with a whole new group of people, create a fan of the podcast host, and hone in on the delivery of your message and position. Follow the steps below to put your best foot forward!

Step 1: The Logistics

So you've been invited to go on a podcast - congratulations! Now it’s time to make sure all the logistics are set up, and you’re ready to go.

Firstly, the host will likely send you a calendar invite. Make sure you accept the invite, but also block out 30 minutes before and after the podcast. The 30 minutes before will give you time to go to the bathroom, skim your notes, get a glass of water, and get yourself into the zone. The 30 minutes after, in case the show runs over, there is a Q&A session, or the host wants to discuss other opportunities with you. You don’t want to have to run off because you have another appointment!

Bonus points for having links to your website, book page, and social media ready to share with the podcast host. Often, at the end of the recording, the host will ask you how readers can follow along. Having these links available to share in the chat and/or saying them aloud gives your future reader the next steps in following your author journey and keeping up to date on your book.

Step 2: Test your Equipment

At least a day before you are due to be on the show, make sure to test your equipment and technology.

  • Does your microphone work and sound okay?

  • Does your camera work?

  • Do you need a ring light because it’s dark at your desk?

  • Is your background plain? Busy backgrounds can be really distracting

  • Are you in a quiet space where noise doesn’t echo?

  • Have you got the right app installed so you can talk to the host (some hosts have special apps that you need to use; others just use Zoom)

  • If your book is available and you think the podcast host might also be recording a video, be sure to have a finished copy of your book handy so you can hold it up and share it with the podcast listeners.

All these things are important and need to be checked at least a day before you are due to be on the podcast.

Step 3: The Content

This is probably the biggest part of the podcast - how do you prepare what you are going to talk about on the podcast?

The best way is to ask the podcast host. Send them an email and ask them what topic they would like covered and for a list of questions they will likely ask you. Sometimes, they will come back to you with ideas and questions; other times, they may ask you what questions you think would be good. This is your opportunity to come up with the content.

Think about what you are an expert in - you’ve just written a book about it! Things to consider when you are thinking of topics and questions for the podcast:

Your areas of expertise

Where you can offer value to the listeners

Your story of how you came to write your book

Topics in your book

Stories from your experiences

Some of the most entertaining and relatable podcasts are people telling stories. Once you’ve come up with your content ideas, jot down some notes and key areas that you think will fit into these. Don’t write a script, but practice telling a few stories in front of your mirror or on camera to get yourself comfortable with the topics. 4

Know of a podcast you want to get yourself on? Check out my Podcast Pitch Templates! They will help you pitch yourself to prospective podcast hosts.


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